Is your workspace working for you? Studies have demonstrated that the way you light your business affects everything from how customers perceive your brand to your mood and even employee productivity. Get lighting right and take your business to the next level! Here, we’ll cover seven lighting tricks to add that ‘it’ factor to your…
Exhausted? Maybe It’s Time To Change The Light In Your Home
Feeling exhausted? Indoor light may be to blame. Because the average human is exposed to more artificial light than sunlight, our bodies are not able to receive the cues we once relied on. These cues include when it is time to wake up and when it is time to go to bed! Naturally, melatonin should…
Are LED Lights Safe?
How LED Lights Might Be Unexpectedly Affecting Your Health LED light bulbs are touted as the latest and greatest thing in the lighting world, and for good reason! They’re brighter, more efficient, and more colorful than lightbulbs of the past. But are they safe? LED technology is still relatively new, so scientists and health professionals…
4 Incredible Benefits of ENERGY STAR Equipment
If you’ve ever purchased an appliance, light bulb, or television, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Energy Star”. And sure, it sounds like a good thing, but what does it really mean? There’s a lot we could say about it, but here are just four things we want everyone to know about Energy Star. 1. They…
Learn How Light Can Radically Lift Your Mood (All-Natural, No Side Effects)
Let’s face it. Life is hard and there are plenty of ups and downs. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal with a “down” day! We’re no experts in chocolate, bath bombs, or the latest workout routines, but we do know an easy and little-known trick to help boost your mood. It all has…